Vision of the Club

  • To promote the advancement of Personal, Social, Physical, Intellectual and Spiritual development for young people, by offering informal educational learning opportunities and experiences in a safe environment, by providing a Chinese spoken environment for the benefit of young people wishing to learn Mandarin in the community.

  • To encourage Chinese children (born in the UK) from a mixed cultural background, or English speaking children who have learnt Mandarin in school to interact with each other in the Mandarin language within a social environment.

  • To promote young people’s participation and involvement in the running of their youth group, their community and society whilst rewarding and recognising young people’s achievements.

  • To promote the development of intercultural and intergenerational projects to bridge the gap between older and younger people who are born or educated in English speaking communities.

  • To utilise and motivate parents and carers to teach, share skills, knowledge and experience of their culture and language with children and young people in the group.
  • To improve the confidence and self esteem of parents or carers, to ensure that they feel happier, needed and useful by helping each other to achieve the aims set out in this Constitution.

  • To provide intercultural learning and leisure opportunities through different themed games, festivals, topic, arts and play etc within the educational playgroup.

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